New Years. I remember as a kid, each year in January my dad would have us all pull out our journals and write down goals for the year. "A goal not written is only a wish." I'm pretty sure my goals were all well-intentioned, but after that day, I don't think I ever thought of them again. It was tradition. As an adult I'm a lot more careful about making goals. I don't just casually think something up, put it in my journal, and promptly forget about it. No, my goals are carefully thought out. They are worthwhile and achievable. Last year I picked three things that I thought were both these things, wrote them down, and left the paper out so I could see it all the time and be reminded. I found that paper a few months ago when I was organising; I think it had gotten swept into a stack of other papers within a couple weeks. Oops.
So my goal setting process is still a work in progress. Maybe next year.
Just kidding. I did actually set a goal for 2010. Just one. (Of course I have myriads of other things I'm working on, but I'm already working on them- this goal is something new.) I'm not going to write it down - but that doesn't make it a wish. This is something I am going to accomplish.
Just watch me.