Monday, August 24

The Gravy Affair

Yesterday Rob made a delicious roast beef dinner. We ate and ate and made ourselves feel sick with all the yummy food we ate. Afterward I put the food away. I was trying to be helpful, but it turned out I made more work for everyone. I was putting plastic wrap over the bowl of gravy, but the plastic wasn't tearing easily. In my efforts, I accidentally knocked the bowl of gravy off the counter. Why, oh why, was I in such a hurry to put that plastic wrap on? Why couldn't the gravy have just spilled on the floor? No, it had to go crazy. It splashed all over the floor, the walls, the ceiling, the cupboards, the windows, the dishes I had just entire kitchen was in ruins. Not only that, the gravy dried quickly, and I had to scrub and scrub to get just one spot clean. It took me hours. Sigh.


Rebecca said...

I just ate the most delicious mashed potatoes and gravy combo for lunch. Spillage: nil.

Sarah: 0
Rebecca: 1

Anonymous said...

I'm just reading "The Lord of the Rings" with the kids. Why couldn't Butterbur have remembered to send Frodo the letter from Gandalf when told to - it would have saved everyone a lot of trouble. But it also would have destroyed the story. I loved yours.